

I’ve mentioned before that I am a quilting nut-job  —  I mean I love to quilt!

The feel of the fabrics soothes me as I work on each block and the creative aspect of designing each block — individually — then seeing them come together to create A-R-T out of swatches of fabrics always makes me feel like I’ve done this remarkable thing. 

I remember, as a child, how I loved to run my hands over fabrics. I also remember Mama saying ”Please, stop twisting your dress skirt around in your hands, people will think you’re crazy!” I guess I was crazy — crazy over fabric — and nothing has changed, I still run my hands over my clothes to feel the fabric. It’s soothing, honest it is. I guess if I were really crazy I’d be continually twisting my hair around my fingers or ripping paper into ragged strips and eating them. I don’t do either of these things, but I do admit to uncontrolled massaging of bolts of fabric at my local quilt store. And, yes, sadly I’ve been noticed doing this. 

Recently I’ve began searching online for bargains — fabric can be experience — on fabrics I know I like. I want to increase my fabric stash so when the notion hits me for a new project I’m already set to get started. Nothing d-e-l-a-y-e-d means my quilts have a chance of going from concept to finished project if I can audition various colours and patterns of fabrics while the concept is fresh in my head.  Having a nicely balanced colour/pattern stash at the ready is pure bliss. Of course justifying the purchase of more-more-more bundles can be a little tricky, not to mention storage issues. I’ve ‘hidden’ neatly folded stacks under beds, in closets, dresser drawers and linen closets. I’m a pro! But, when I need them their all over the house — not good.  Luckily, I will have a designated bedroom with a nice long converted closet plus a dresser chest where the bundles will be easily accessible. My daughter and I are looking forward to ‘our sewing’ room’s grand opening next month. It’s been a long time coming and we are excited beyond words. 

The only problem — she doesn’t know the extent of my fabric stash. Maybe I’ll put it away while she’s a-w-a-y!